The Weeknighter

Li Po Lounge: Where Weird Nights Are Almost Guaranteed
Weird things happen at the Li Po Lounge. I was there one night many years ago for some random basement dance party that a friend was involved with. You know how those things go, you’re not exactly sure what your friend’s affiliation with the event is, but they told you

Pier 23: Where Tourists and Locals Get Wasted Together
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY BENDER’S BECAUSE THEY ARE BADASS. DROP BY AND MAKE SOME BAD DECISIONS WITH SOME GOOD PEOPLE! This originally appeared in my The Weeknighter column in 7×7. Things can get weird at Pier 23. It sometimes seems like all the forces in the universe collide there causing a perfect

Talking Open Relationships & Strong Booze at Comstock Saloon
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM This originally appeared in my Weeknighter column for 7×7 The first time I went to Comstock Saloon was with a woman I wasn’t dating. My girlfriend at the time was out of town and we

Bow Bow Cocktail Lounge: Where Getting Weird was Invented
This originally appeared ing my Weeknighter column for 7×7. There’s an incredible song that Johnny Cash recorded on the first of his American Recordings albums called “The Beast in Me.” The first stanza goes: The beast in me Is caged by frail and fragile bars Restless by day And by

The 500 Club is the Definition of What a Dive Bar Should Be
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM This originally appeared in my Weeknighter column for 7×7. It beckons you. Through neon lights and an illuminated martini glass, it calls your name. With cheap booze and rambling conversation, it pulls you in. Like

How to Fall in Love at the Fireside Bar
This originally appeared in my Weeknighter column in the SF Bay Guardian There’s something romantic about San Francisco’s summertime fog. Those damp and chilly nights belong only to us, and the atmosphere they create is what dreams are made of. While the rest of the country simultaneously shares the same