
29 Oct 2010

Renounce Halloween and See Some Theater Instead!

Halloween’s always been kind of an “eh” holiday for me.  Maybe it’s because I live in San Francisco, where almost every weekend gives you an excuse to dress up in some ridiculous ensemble and get wasted at 10am (read:  B2B, Pride Weekend, WORLD SERIES) or maybe I’m just not very

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
17 May 2010

"Pay What You Want Week" for God's Ear at the Ashby Stage

I’m still  in recovery mode after yesterday’s Bay to Breakers madness.  Most of the day is blurry but I do recall trying to break-up a fight and getting knocked on my ass.  At least I think that’s what happened.  For all I know I could’ve just fallen down.  Regardless, I’m

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Sep 2009

Sliding Scale Bodies in Motion: CounterPULSE Benefit and "Total Facts Known" Opens

Growing up, I was a complete theatre nerd, which was a terrible cross of pain for everyone around me, especially when I actually took to the stage. Luckily, the bug’s bite has lessened in its potency but I still love going to shows, which is irritating because they can be

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0