
End of the Broke-Ass Mom Preschool Saga
The Preschool Hunt of 2012 has come to an end, finally. Now all that’s left is to make a decision on which one. I consider ourselves pretty lucky that we have choices. When we decided so late in the game to put our son in preschool, I was expecting to

Broke-Ass Mom: Should You Send Your Kid to Preschool?
Is nursery school for a Broke-Ass Mom? For over a year now I’ve been telling myself, and anyone else who will listen that nursery school, or preschool, is a big waste of time and money. I kept asking myself why do people spend thousands of dollars to send their child

Changing Careers as a Broke-Ass Mom
‘Can a Broke-Ass Mom change careers and be a SAHM? That’s what I’m trying to find out. As I stated in my intro to the Broke-Ass world, I traded in my high heels for some Keen sneakers, my stockings for yoga pants, and my purse for a backpack all to