Tubesteak Connection
Tubesteak Connection 9th Anniversary Thursday (NSFW) 4/18
It’s true, the marriage of smut and cheap hooch in a disco haze has been done many ways in many places in this pueblo, but over the past nine years rarely has it been done as well, or more importantly, as genuinely as it has in the gamey darkness of
Broke-Ass Stuart Proudly Sponsors the 2013 SF Mid-Winter Bar Workers Ball – FREE!
With every year in San Francisco comes one fog bank rolling in after the other, peppered with the occasional rainstorm or more often than not, that lovely little ice breeze that likes to momentarily stop your heart on it’s way through your body. And yet, seemingly as quickly as the
The 7th Annual Mid-Winter Bar Worker’s Ball is on Monday!
If you work in the service industry, this time of year is sort of a blessing and a curse. The holidays, grueling hours, double-shifts and belligerent revelers are long behind you now, but all that cash you made is beginning to thin out as well. The clientele have convinced themselves
FREE Party Tonite at Bender's for Industry Workers Only – The 6th Annual SF Mid-Winter Barworkers Ball!
Well, my fellow colleagues of the city’s gin bins, it’s happened again. Another holiday season has come and gone and now we find ourselves in the always-pleasant slump that follows. What to do? Why drink, of course! Tonight come congratulate yourself on a job well done and one more year under your belt serving