world series

SF Celebrates Dodger Loss with Free Tacos
It’s that time of year again. When Taco Bell gives everyone a free taco, and San Francisco gets to celebrate a 2nd World Series loss for their most hated nemesis: The Los Angeles Dodgers. Taco Bell is promising a free Doritos Locos Taco to everyone in the United States for their “Steal

What to Drink When Shit Hits the Fan
Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past week (or what’s more likely, an overturned bus) you’ve probably noticed that our country is a little en fuego. Between that mega-bitch named Sandy and the SF Giants winning the World Series, it’s a bona fide shit show out there. No matter the circumstances, however,

Ace’s: Cheap Booze and FREE BBQ
Lately I’ve been feeling very dive-y when it comes to bars. Eff spending an hour doing my hair and makeup — I just want to go somewhere in a hoodie and hang out with my PBR in a dark, smelly corner. Obviously it’s fun to dress up and sashay around

Rub Elbows With The World Series Champs at Giants FanFest 2011
Well, my credit card bills from October (read: playoffs and World Series month) have finally been whittled down to respectable amounts, but what with the holidays and adjusting to 2011, I didn’t realize that baseball season, while obviously not officially beginning until April, is BACK for hardcore fans this Saturday

Party With Ashkon, The Giants "Don't Stop Believing" Video Guy, at Manor West!
No one in San Francisco wants the Giants World Series excitement to be over — especially our livers. Our poor organs are clearly going through withdrawals from not drinking heavily enough after the big win and this must be remedied. Most of us are looking to Spring Training in March

Get Extra Use Out of Your Halloween Costumes at the Giants Parade Today
Even if you’re not crazy into baseball, you have to be excited about our city’s HUGE win in the World Series (unless you have a heart of stone or are a filthy Yankee fan), if only for the sheer amount of joy permeating the air last night. By “joy,” of