Yoga to the People

How to Be a New Age Freak on a Budget
Confession: I’m one spiritual lady. A vegetarian/proud Leo-with-a-Leo-rising/Berkeley girl whose step-mom is a psychic, I’ve downward-dogged with the best of ‘em. When I’m not frantically phoning my second mom to find out why that Scorpio I went out with hasn’t called, I’m reading about 2012, attempting to understand Qigong, or

Cheap Mani/Pedis at Minna Nails
Minna Nails is my godsend. Normally, I don’t like to pay other people for my own personal cosmetic maintenance. I cut my own hair, I pluck my own eyebrows, I perform at-home Brazilians… you get the idea. I am an independent woman! However, there is one area of my body