We wanna send you plus one to see Saeed Jones @ JCCSF!
Poet Saeed Jones, author of the celebrated Prelude to Bruise, joins us to read from his new memoir, How We Fight for Our Lives, an unforgettable coming-of-age story of a bookish, black, gay teen from Texas as he learns to see himself and his dreams – and learns how his world sees him. Blending poetry and prose, Jones draws readers into his boyhood and adolescence – into tumultuous relationships with his mother and grandmother, into passing flings with lovers, friends and strangers. Each piece builds into a larger examination of race and queerness, power and vulnerability, love and grief: a portrait of what we all do for one another – and to one another – as we fight to become ourselves.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 | JCCSF | Tickets can be purchased here