Why Won’t Brooke Jenkins Release Footage Of The Banko Brown Shooting?

Photo of San Francisco Police Car: Credit: BrokenSphere
San Francisco is going through a bit of a PR crisis right now. The city is regularly assaulted with a slew of bad press – from Whole Foods closures to Fentanyl deaths, San Francisco can’t seem to catch a break. And while I’ve built a bit of a following criticizing San Francisco, I don’t feel great about it anymore.
Before San Francisco felt like an impenetrable fortress filled with billionaires and a worthy target for my frustrations, now it feels like I’m bullying an underdog. Talking shit about San Francisco distinctly feels like bullying a kid whose parents just divorced. I’m not trying to add to San Francisco’s trauma, but Brooke Jenkins is a fucking dumpster fire of a human being and San Francisco should be criticized for empowering such a piece of shit.
I know San Francisco has an ongoing issue with retail theft, but I don’t think public executions are the answer anyone is looking for.
The murder of Banko Brown is another example of Brooke Jenkins essentially operating as the bureaucratic arm of excessive force and an apologist for state violence… But this time it’s not even state violence, it’s a security guard essentially mimicking state violence.
In the past, I’ve covered Brooke Jenkins’ decision to drop charges against the officer who killed Keita O’Neil, despite video evidence proving his death was unjustified.
This time, she’s shielding a security guard who murdered Banko Brown on Market Street in the heart of Downtown San Francisco for allegedly stealing a sandwich.
I know San Francisco has an ongoing issue with retail theft, but I don’t think public executions are the answer anyone is looking for.
After the shooting, SFPD responded to the scene and after a short investigation, arrested the security guard for murder.
And it seemed like this guy was going to go to jail for the rest of his life, because he murdered someone. Not only did he murder someone, he did it on Market Street, in front of a Walgreens, surrounded by people and security cameras, you would think this was an open and shut case.
But no…
But if the evidence clearly shows that the security guard, Michael Earl-Wayne, was in fear for his life, why won’t she release the footage?
I also have a hard time believing that an armed security guard was overpowered by someone wielding a shitty Walgreens sandwich.
If this continues to go unchecked, Brooke Jenkins may be the most outwardly corrupt district attorney in recent memory.
Is it just me, or is San Francisco starting to act a lot like Vallejo?