Jeremy Fish is the SF Giant’s First Ever Artist-in-Residence

SF Giants’ first ever artist-in-residence Jeremy Fish shows a baseball he’s worked on during the game.
“What other team would do this?” Jeremy Fish asks me, while sitting behind a desk set up for him inside the Cloud Club in Oracle Park. The team in question is the San Francisco Giants, and while the Cloud Club is an all-inclusive, members only, premium lounge usually reserved for fancy people and corporate events, for the month of June, it has been Jeremy Fish’s art studio. That’s because he’s the Giants’ first ever Artist-in-Residence.
During every home game this month, Fish has been stationed at his drafting table working on unique art pieces inspired by the game in front of him. They’ve also transformed the entire Cloud Club into a gallery displaying his work.
Pretty cool right?
“When I moved to San Francisco 30 years ago, this wouldn’t have been something I thought would ever happen to me. Like I wouldn’t have even joked about,” Fish tells me when discussing his residency. Not only are the Giants putting him up and paying him to make dope art for a month, Fish has also designed exclusive merch for the team.
Here are some of the drawings he’s made so far during his residency:
While I was there the other night Fish had decided to draw on some baseballs instead of on paper.
Here are the ones he made throughout the night:
Over all, it’s a really cool thing that the SF Giants are doing. This town loves the arts, they love the Giants, and they love Jeremy Fish. It’s hard not to see the perfection in this artist-in-residency. Hopefully they’ll keep doing more cool stuff like this in the future.