Riot Fest Bands Answer One-Word Interview Questions

To help y’all to get to know some of the (many) artists you should get to know from Riot Fest, we sped up the process by having them pick a one-word interview question from a hat. Here’s what 11 of them had to say (these are all actual quotes):

1WIQ: Water?
A: “Hell yeah hell yeah water!” (Adrian who drinks 2 gallons a day) “Water is nice, I like water.” “Sparkling water, pretty solid.” “Spicy water.” “Arrowhead.” Hey, Arrowhead, let’s get these BIPOC pop punkers a branding deal.

1WIQ: Sex?
“Yes, absolutely, always yes!” “Favorite pastime.” “Everyone should be having more sex…” “YES, important!!”

A: Heather West of West Media (Pup parent and publicist for Peaches – English interpreter for the rising start in the punk rock world, and Riot Fest organizer), “Give peace a chance, really just do(g) it.”.

1WIQ: Capitalism
A: After Tristan and Zak got married at the Riot Chapel, ” “America. Everything here is driven by capitalism. The nihilism, the depression, I put the -ism in capitalism.”

A: How to plunge a toilet during your sister’s wedding with your arm as told by guitarist, Dave. “Sleeve up as high as possible, full fist in, and give the old wiggle tickle and it acts like snaking the clog – you will have shithand for quite a while though.”

And just in case those 1WIQs were too much for you to read here are a bunch of photos of so many stellar performances from some of the artists we interviewed and many we did not:

Photo credits: Matt Christ @christmatt – All gallery photos (except Tierra Whack captured by Curtis Schabath); Curtis Schabath @curtiscam – All interview photos (except GWAR ensemble captured by Matt Christ).