
24 Jun 2019

Bernie To Forgive All Student Debt & Make College Free for Everyone

“This proposal will make it possible for every person in America to get all the education that they need” – Bernie Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed to eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States this morning.  And to make Universities admission FREE.  Why?  Because keeping

24 Jun 2019

Bernie Wants Forgive All Student Debt & Make College Free for Everyone

Senator Bernie Sanders and other progressives introduce new college affordability bills. — TIME (@TIME) June 24, 2019 “This proposal will make it possible for every person in America to get all the education that they need” – Bernie Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed to eliminating all $1.6 trillion of

14 Jun 2019

How Do I Tell My Frenenmie That Her Boyfriend Sends Me D*ck Pics?

Welcome our new weekly column, “Ask a Grown Up” in which you can ask and have your most burning questions answered by a supposed grown up. I’m baaaaacccckkkkkk! Hello young, broke, and beautiful readers! It is I, Kate the Supposed Grownup, back from the archives of this site to answer

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
12 Jun 2019

How Many of Weirdo Roommates Have You Lived With?

WORST ROOMMATE SEARCH EVER: PART 2 – A Dominatrix, Techie, Pharma Bro, Freegan & Psycho It’s Wednesday and you know what that means: The third episode of Shaky Ground is here! In part two of the Worst Roommate Search Ever, the interviews for a new roommate in a Mission District rent

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Jun 2019

I Wanna Mail You Really Strange Postcards

Remember back in February when I sent out the incredibly ridiculous Valentine above? Then remember in May when I sent out the one further below? It’s all part of my Postcards in the Mail program. Everyone who is a member of my Patreon at $6 or above gets strange postcards

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Jun 2019

SF’s Newest Park Next to an Old Navy Shipyard, What Could go Wrong?

India Basin, San Francisco, CA.  Chances are you’ve never heard of it.  I’m 90% sure I went to a rave there in 2008, but apparently lot a has changed in India since then.  Most recently, there’s a 9+ acre park renovation that the city & many private donors have in

05 Jun 2019

Is This the Worst Roommate Interview Ever?

Worst Roommate Search Ever: Part 1 – The “Spiritual Millennial” The second episode of Shaky Ground is here and you’re gonna laugh your ass off! This time we tackle the finding a new roommate for your rent controlled apartment. Searching Craigslist & Facebook to fill a room in a rent controlled

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0