The Best Waterproof Mascaras for Constantly Crying Seasonal Depressives
by Laurie Riihimaki ‘Tis the season for holiday cheer, or should I say tears? For some, this time of year can be heavy with seasonal depression brought on by toxic family get-togethers, dreaded semester finals, literally darker days, and holiday weight brought on by grandma’s famous pecan pie and mac
Several Things to Be Grateful for This Thanksgiving Season
By Kate Harveston For many of us, the biggest physical challenge during the holiday season is shambling off to the couch to rest our too-full stomachs and fork hands. Sleeping off the turkey and preparing for the dessert course is hard work! However, many people must live with much more
Are New Smart Devices Really Better Than Old Dumb Ones?
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. GUEST POST BY DAVID
Why DNA Tests Might be a Terrible Idea
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. GUEST POST BY DAVID
How to Grow Your Social Media Brand While Dying Inside
by Laurie Riihimaki Having Instagram is a necessity if you want to have any sort of influence on the world. That’s because our average audience is just like us: easily impressionable, loves instant gratification, and they’re suffering from sore thumbs from frequent scrolling. Seriously, if you’re not on Insta then
5 Meals Your Broke A** Can Make For Under $5
by Kate Brunotts Listen, I love the holidays as much as anyone else, but there’s no denying that with them comes the “season’s greetings” of a lighter wallet. Those artisan cat socks you got for your great Aunt Jackie are expensive, and I totally understand being fed up with ramen.
10 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Forgetful People
Everyone knows that feeling you get when you have to stop everything you’re doing and try to remember what you just forgot. Maybe you know you reminded yourself to do something earlier that morning — but you just can’t remember what. Or, perhaps a passing thought you had only a