Shopping, Style and Beauty

How to Buy Drugs in NYC WITHOUT a Connection
I recently attended the BAS party at Dardy’s Bar in Brooklyn. While there I attempted, unsuccessfully, to buy weed. Certain attendees were generous enough to share what they had, but due to the distinct communist leanings of the BAS community, none had extra for sale. I decided not to go

What You Should Know About D.I.Y. Guru Faythe Levine
Faythe Levine is hard to categorize. She is a published writer, filmmaker, lecturer, artist, and a curator. But most importantly, she is a beautiful spirit who has helped create, push, and explore individual creativity and has brought it to the attention to anyone who is willing to observe. Her site

‘Kinky Salon’ Brings Adult Play Party to New York TONIGHT!
It’s gonna get freaky at a Freaky Friday sexy play party in Crown Heights tonight! Kinky Salon, the acclaimed counterculture sex party recently featured in The Atlantic and in Dan Savage’s ‘Savage Love’ column, takes New York tonight with a spooky-sexy theme party called The Bewitching. Costumes will be mandatory, you’ll want to read the Kinky Salon

How Not to be Racist This Halloween
Halloween falls on a Friday this year and things are going to get crazy! People get more into planning their costumes when they don’t have to crawl hungover into work the next day or call in sick “cough cough.“ What are you dressing up as? I’m going in a sexy and slutty

Funny Translations of Tech News
Just because you get the news about all the wonderful things happening in technology, doesn’t mean you know what the fuck it means. Luckily, we break it down for you, in a hilarious manner, so your friends think you’re smart and know stuff. The Tech News: Tim Ferriss has received $1.2 million

The People’s Climate March: Just like a Real Protest, Except Fun and Devoid of Meaning
Hundreds of thousands rallied last Sunday on the West Side of Manhattan to bring awareness to climate change. It was done in conjunction with a UN Summit addressing the matter. In attendance were members of the political and social elite along with throngs of average concerned citizens. It is reassuring

Why You Should NOT Buy an iPhone 6
There is a new iPhone out, for no better reason than it is September and Apple puts out a new iPhone every September regardless…