New York
7 Tips For Staying Alive In The NYC Winter From a Former Street Kid
The best defense against the cold is a healthy diet, proper hydration and ideally, a furnace. But let’s face it: you can’t afford any of those things. Here are some tips from someone who truly knows the value of fresh socks and a thermostat; a former NYC Street Kid. 1.
The Legend of NYC’s Egg Cream
Question: What is something non-alcoholic, contains no more than three ingredients, and will cure that harsh hangover? Answer: The title of this article of course! A good ol’ egg cream. The egg cream soda is one of my personal favorites because it is truly an art. Concocting the perfect solution
Mets Fan Reflects on Childhood and Opening Week
I will never forget; the time I was on the warning track at Shea Stadium. he New York Mets had this fan club for children under the age of 14 called New York Met’s Fan Club for Kids
MOCCAFest: It’s Where the Art is this Weekend!
Starting bright and early (well, 11:00. . . ) this Saturday morning is the MoCCA Arts Festival, which is Comic-Con for those whose favorite ‘comic book’ movie is Ghost World. This convention, focusing on independent and small press comics/creators, was first organized in 2002 by the Museum of Comic and
Simple Ways to be a Courteous New Yorker
It’s easy to hate on tourists. But remember: those map-scanning, bewildered-looking folks came to your city out of a desire to expand their world. They might not expand it past the M&M store in Times Square, but they tried. So, while there’s a lot that tourists need to know, it doesn’t
Dark Anecdotes Of A Dating Idealist: When your best friend is dating your ex
It was a 4th of July. I was fresh from spending 2 years in LA and I’d arrived with the promise that my Ex-boyfriend, Bob and I would get back together, except he dumped me instead… Nevertheless, the important ex in this story is a piece of human shit named
My journey of feminism
When Beyoncé dropped her self titled album in 2013, unexpectedly and without promotion, everyone of us rushed out to download it, and just as expected, the album was full of amazing and empowering songs that didn’t disappoint. But one thing I did not expect, was for one song to start