Pete’s Candy Store

14 Feb 2010

A Valentine's Guide for Lovers and Haters

Valentine’s Day is a weird little holiday. With fuzzy historical origins, no significant religious ties, and mostly exclusive to half the population,  it’s the Sarah Palin of holidays, loved by some and despised by a lot. It sneaks up on you every year with pandering shitty movies, Duane Reed starts

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
27 Jan 2010

Slideshow and Tell/ FREE Comedy Show

Slideshow and Tell There is no outlet like show and tell in the adult world. In elementary school, you got your five minutes a week to get your classmates excited about the shell you found on the beach, and you’d get to hear about their new pet kittens or robot

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
19 Oct 2009

FREE Abandoned Building Slideshow

Abandoned buildings attract a wide variety of people: heroin addicts, the homeless, architects, film students, etc. Their future usually involves demolition or conversion into a luxury condo, and some abandoned luxury condos have become home to heroin addicts as well. I’ll never be able to call the condos attractive, but

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
05 Oct 2009

FREE: Learn to Grow Food on Your Roof

Roofs in NYC can be hard enough to put yourself on, let alone anything besides a metal folding chair or a milk crate. Some people are determined enough, and manage to set up their roof tops with couches, canopies and kiddie pools. And then there’s people like Annie Novak who

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
12 Sep 2009

Brooklyn Spelling Bee, Garden Yoga, and Writer’s Workshops

WILLIAMSBURG SPELLING BEE I used to clam up when it came time for spelling bees in 4th Grade.  I was, and still am, a horribly useless speller.  However, I love watching ‘œbees,’ and this one sounds like a heck-ve-a-lota fun!  Pete’s Candy Store’s Spelling Bee with Bobbyblue and Jenisfamous happens

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0