
The State of Homelessness in NYC and How to Help
There is not one day that goes by as a New Yorker that you don’t witness a homeless person pick something out of the garbage, sleep on absolutely dirty streets, and beg for a change or a bite to eat. Homelessness is one of the most important issues the 5

Why Do We Hate The Wealthy?
That question has been around for centuries where the wealthy have control and the power while the rest us have seconds. Thankfully we have come a long way since the days of the Roman Empire where people were pitted against each other while the loser hoped the crowd did not

Top 5 Moments MTA Went Overboard
The Metropolitan Transit Authority gets a bad wrap from New Yorkers for being incompetent, dysfunctional, and money grabbing. And I’m here to tell you that they are absolutely right. These Transportation-Centric lunatics run this asylum and are willing to grab you by the scrote (or ovaries, everyone is equally screwed) to

Cigarettes Can Kill You (In More Ways Than One)
Being a broke-ass smoker in New York you probably know the codes to buying loosie cigarettes in your local bodegas, and you probably know a guy, or two, who deliver those eight-dollar boxes. Smoking, just as everything else in this city, is hell-a pricey, and loosies have become a thing, like in many

Best Places for Cheapskates to Meet People Who Aren’t Cheapskates.
Cross economic divides and magic can happen… I’m a cheapskate. So are most of my friends. But sometimes, conversations about how crazy it is that the price of the supermarket toilet roll has gone up 50c get boring. I don’t want to sell my soul to someone who’ll take me

How to Avoid the Broke-Ass Look
Just because you’re a broke-ass doesn’t mean everyone has to know. ~If you’re like me, you really do not see the necessity in purchasing socks and view it as a mere inconvenience as well as a waste of money, so you would rather just steal them from your boyfriend’s or

Broke-Ass Luxuries For The Poor
When a Frontgate catalog arrives in the mail (by accident of course), I often find myself browsing the pages of in-home patio fire pits and wondering what type of rich person I would be. Would I be the type of rich person who buys a specially bred hybrid dog, like