
Government Tear Gas vs Molotov Cocktails: Hong Kong’s Street Fight for Democracy
Riot police and protesters fought fierce battles up and down Kowloon’s Nathan Road in Hong Kong on October 1st. Hundreds of tear gas canisters and Molotov cocktails were thrown, and dozens of arrests were made. During citywide protests on that day, police used lethal force for the first time, after

Top 4 Reasons To Date Vladimir Putin
A look at ultra-conservatives romantic infatuation with Putin. Every girl loves a bad boy but it takes a special lady to love an oligarch! Here are the top 4 reasons Vladimir Putin is 2017’s dream boat to die for, (most likely in a suspicious circumstance made to look like a suicide),

The Brooklyn Bar that Defines Gentrification
One of the worst promotional blunders of Brooklyn 2017 – which is saying a lot – has been drumming up controversy and crowds of protesters in Crown Heights. You don’t have to be from New York City to know that it’s plagued with gentrification. Most of America’s cities are, so

When a Pro-Trump Rally Happens in a Small Liberal Town
By Rebecca Rush If you have never been to a Trump protest with both sides rallying, I can sum the whole thing up for you in five words: Facebook comments come to life. If you’d like to know more, read on. New London is a magical place on the shoreline of

Law Enforcement On A High Horse: Why Are There Horse Cops in 2017?
By Hannah Harkness I have always been mystified by horse cops. Until I wrote this article, it was just a stump topic I had for angry bar conversations about law enforcement overreach. I never understood them. I wondered how it could possibly be healthy for horses to do police work.

Protesters Charge Police Line in Trump Inauguration Under Hail of Pepper Spray
When Trump was sworn this morning in Washing D.C., protesters dressed all in black began marching through the capital streets. Cars and shop windows were vandalized, the police began firing flash bang grenades as well as launching clouds of pepper spray into the crowds. Tim Pool’s live periscope feed and WeAreChange on Youtube

The Hong Kong Protests: What US Idealists Can Learn from the Brave People Under the Umbrella
Last week, I spoke about the People’s Climate March and my disdain for corporate sponsored parties disguised as demonstrations. Lest I be viewed as nothing more than a cranky naysayer, I want to highlight a protest movement with real vision and brilliant tactics. Hopefully some of the idealists here in