Arts and CultureEatsSan Francisco

FREE Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Literary Stuff Served Up by Dave Eggers

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Tonight the legendary City Lights bookstore on Columbus will be hosting a reading from Stoners and Self-Appointed Saints, and Fever Chart – the latter of which was published by McSweeney’s – that impossibly twee publisher/website/lit rag founded by love-him-or-hate-him memoirist/novelist/newspaper man Dave Eggers. To go along with the readings, their respective authors Annie La Ganga and Bill Cotter will be preparing grilled cheese sandwiches because apparently that ties in to the plot of Fever Chart somehow. While Annie and Bill read, Eggers will be making the rounds through the crowd to serve up those cheese-and-bread sandos, so if you like having semi-famous literary types wait on you this is probably your best bet for a Wednesday night.

Ash Wednesday with Annie La Ganga and Bill Cotter
Wednesday, February 17th, 7pm
City Lights Bookstore
261 Columbus Ave at Broadway [North Beach]
FREE Book readings, and grilled cheese sandwiches served by Dave Eggers.
Additional details on the City Lights Site.

Hat tip to FuncheapSF

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Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew is an East Coast transplant from Virginia hamming it up in San Francisco without any intention of leaving. Having worked every typical job from Bike Shop Employee to Bartender to Ad Agency Hotshot, to Dotcom Layoff he now busts his ass covering the "weird things to do" beat for gracious local audiences at and rallies the Western Addy/Lower Haight/Panhandle neighborhoods into action at His work was published in a real, paper magazine one time. One day he might even figure out how to make money from it.