BoozeEatsSan Francisco

Family Dinner from Green Chile Cafe, Just Like Dad Used to Pick Up

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Remember when rotisserie chicken became a huge suburban food fad? Everybody from Kroger to Wal-Mart to Costco was slinging pre-cooked rotisserie chickens that your Dad would pick up right after he finished loading the cart with 100 pound bags of lawn fertilizer and dog food, while you were off trying to steal censored copies of The Offspring CDs from the electronics section. (Or am I the only one that grew up like a lame, Early-90’s Huck Finn?)

Anyway, the point is, those chickens in their lemon-pepper grease baths were a perfect marriage of convenience and gourmet that also divorced the notion that pre-cooked meals couldn’t at least look like they were healthy. But in San Francisco, the Latin influence and smug foodie-ism means we’ve got plenty of actually delicious rotisserie chicken options that don’t come from the same store where you buy bulk toilet paper. Enter Green Chile Kitchen on McAllister and Baker in the Panhandle, where you can pick up an entire chicken (organic and locally sourced, of course) with sides of rice, beans, tortillas, and veggies or salad for under 20 bucks out the door.

Normally, I wouldn’t shill for a meal that costs more than $7, but one whole chicken meal deal from Green Chile easily feeds four people, so it’s perfect for those early summer picnics. (Or you could just get it for yourself and have leftovers for a week, whatever, I’m not your nutritionist.) If you’re picking up for dinner time or eating in at Green Chile’s big communal table, you’ll be excited to find they’ve always got $2 Pacificos to wash it down with. Call me if you’re having a picnic, OK?

Green Chile Kitchen
$2 Pacifico, $20 Rotisserie chicken deal
1801 McAllister at Baker [Panhandle/Western Addition]
Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
9am – 9:30pm Monday – Thursday, until 10pm on Friday/Saturday

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Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew is an East Coast transplant from Virginia hamming it up in San Francisco without any intention of leaving. Having worked every typical job from Bike Shop Employee to Bartender to Ad Agency Hotshot, to Dotcom Layoff he now busts his ass covering the "weird things to do" beat for gracious local audiences at and rallies the Western Addy/Lower Haight/Panhandle neighborhoods into action at His work was published in a real, paper magazine one time. One day he might even figure out how to make money from it.