FREE Movie Night Friday at Great American Music Hall
Not to be outdone by places like The Independent and The Park Chalet, Great American Music Hall really wants to get in on this free movie night thing, and what better way to start off a movie series in classic San Francisco venue than with another SF classic: Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo? Because it’s FREE and on a Friday, this would make for a really easy cheap date, so here’s a PRO-TIP: Hit Happy Hour at Vertigo (the bar) around the corner on Polk Street beforehand and then on the second date (because, duh, if he/she is OK with you being cheap there’s going to be a second date) go for a walking tour of the filming locations like the Park Hill Sanatorium – how romantic!
FREE Movie Night: Vertigo
Great American Music Hall
859 O’Farrell Street b/w Polk and Larkin [Tenderloin]
Doors are at 7pm (but you might want to show up early or at least on time if the line gets as long as it does at the Independent.)
More details on
Thanks to FuncheapSF for the heads up.