Arts and CultureSan Francisco

Tonight! Sing "Lucy in the Sky with Drunkards"

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iTunes “newcomers” The Beatles are the most overrated musicians of our time. Nevertheless, they produced a ton of well-known songs that laid the groundwork for artists to follow, so even if you’re not a huge Fab Four fan, you probably know at least a few songs from playing Rock Band. If you head to Cafe Royale tonight, you can pretend you’re in a real rock band via FREE Beatles-themed karaoke with live accompaniment.

Joshua Raoul Brody of Those Darn Accordions and Tango No. 9 will play the keys for your sorry rendition of “Let It Be,” and possibly one or two of his buddies might appear on other instruments. Karaoke must, of course, be lubricated with copious amounts of booze, which Cafe Royale does sell at moderate prices should you forget to pre-game. So you should be all set to sing out of tune and pontificate about John Lennon’s legacy. Just do me one favor: Don’t perform “Yellow Submarine” — tonight, or ever, really.

Beatles Karaoke at Cafe Royale 800 Post St. at Leavenworth [Tenderloin] Monday, March 7, 8pm-10:30pm FREE
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Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special

Sarah M. Smart was summoned into being on a distant ice cream planet
through an unholy union of Two-Buck Chuck and unicorns. They sent her to Indianapolis and then the University of Missouri's School of Journalism
to spread peace and big hair. Perpetually in mourning for the comma, she
has worked for a variety of print media, including Indianapolis
, Global Journalist, and Vox. Since moving
to San Francisco for the booming dumpster-diving scene, she has been an
online operative for such fine folks as , Neo-Factory, and
Academy of Art University. After a day of cat-feeding, hat-making,
dog-walking, vegan baking, and daydreaming about marrying rich, all she
wants is a margarita as big as her face.