
Illegal Twitter Ads Are Uglying Up SF Sidewalks
Twitter’s CEO is not only suing San Francisco, the city that gave them a $70 million tax break, Twitter the company has also spray-painted ugly, obnoxious, and illegal ads all over San Francisco sidewalks. Acting on a tip from a sharp-eyed reader, the Broke-Ass I-team found no fewer than eight

SF Neighborhoods & Their Zodiac Signs
San Francisco is 7 square miles of unique neighborhoods and beautiful natural environments, each with their own histories, personalities and characteristics. I started my writing career in SF by creating a written guide to the city, and I’ve been exploring its streets and history nonstop ever since. We consulted with

Meet Nathan Temby: Dueling Pianist At Johnny Foley’s
Around 6-8 times a month patrons at Johnny Foley’s, an Irish pub which straddles the border of the Tenderloin and Union Square, can hear the musical stylings of Nathan Temby. Temby is part of a rotating roster of pianists who perform in Foley’s cellar in what are known as “dueling piano” shows.

How You Can Help Save Glide Memorial Church
Glide Memorial Church is at the center of a power struggle with the United Methodist Church that threatens to undermine Glide’s efforts to serve the needy, provide 700,000 free meals a year to the hungry, deliver family, HIV, and healthcare services, and of course hold their immensely popular Sunday Celebrations

Goodbye Bubbles. SF Won’t be the Same Without Your Magical Weirdness.
Fucking Bubbles. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that phrase since I first met him in Dolores Park in 2014. In fact anyone who ever met Bubbles uttered that phrase at least once, whether in absolute awe, complete exasperation, or both simultaneously. Bubbles was Bubbles. There are a

Memories of Weird Nights at Soon to be Closed 21 Club
Apparently the 21 Club is closing. Ain’t that some shit? That is the last bar in the world I would’ve thought would hit the chopping block, mainly because it’s at the corner of “rob someone” and “stab someone”. I wrote about the 21 Club in my book Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living

Yemeni’s Restaurant in The Tenderloin, A Tea Partier’s Outrage
Eat cheap Halal food at Yemeni’s I’d bet the left side of my brain that your garden variety Tea Partying dip stick wouldn’t know Yemen from He-Man. Still, the likelihood of Yemeni’s restaurant existing in one of those crazzzzzy red states, serving as it does strictly halal food from the Middle East