Arts and CultureSan Francisco

FREE: The Best Trivia Night West of the Mississippi

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

I’m going to let all of you in on a little secret. But if I tell you, you have to promise not to bring hordes of your friends to this particular place on this particular night. You promise? Okay, here goes:

Trivia night at the Albatross in Berkeley beats the shit out of every other trivia night I’ve ever been to.

Why’s that? The quiz questions are just the right mix of challenge and combined, stored knowledge. They never throw any ridiculously obscure questions at you like, “What was Aristotle’s sister’s dog’s favorite food?” (I know, I know; it was a BLT.) Plus, there are five rounds of questions, each one with a different theme. The music round is my personal fave.

If you’ve never even experienced the Albatross, you’re in for a real treat. With its six or so dart lanes, pool table, fireplace, and wood-covered everything, it looks like the most ultimate, straight-outta-the-movies college bar. Except you’re probably not in college anymore, and who gives a shit that tomorrow is Monday?

The trivia begins at 8:30pm, but I recommend arriving no later than 8:15pm if you want to claim a seat. But what will you do for a whole 15 minutes? Well, you can play Connect Four, Boggle, Apples to Apples, or any of the other games they offer for FREE. If you’re not the competitive type, just max, relax, and snack on the $1 bowl of unlimited freshly popped popcorn all night long.

Ideally, you should roll up with three of your sharpest pals, but be advised that a team cannot exceed five people. Oh, and the cell phone rule is strictly enforced, so keep it in your pocket. The cell phone, I mean.

Thanks to Wonders of the Animal Kingdom for the pic.

Trivia Night at the Albatross
1822 San Pablo Ave. [Berkeley]
Sundays at 8:30pm

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Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler

Mia is a nice Italian girl from an exotic Italian colony called New Jersey.  She studied English Literature and Screenwriting at Drexel University in Philadelphia and has no intention of ever being a teacher.  Instead, she produces low-budget films with her crew/friends, one of which actually won a contest hosted by AMC and judged by Mr. Robert (Rob) Zombie.  She currently lives and loves in beautiful Oakland, California, which, she maintains, is just as great as and even sunnier than San Francisco.