Arts and CultureSan Francisco

Tutu Tuesdays! $2! 222 Hyde! Homophones!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

What with Burning Man, Bay to Breakers, and Halloween in this city, you’re bound to have a tutu sitting idly in your closet. Let it feel your love again: Don your tutu to get into Tutu Tuesday at 222 Hyde for only $2!

DJ Mike Khoury and DJ Atish will be running tonight’s Tutu Tuesday under the slogan “Tutus are for everyone.” Obviously, the night has a two/to/too/tutu/Tue theme, so expect silly dance music revolving around that homophonic (not homophobic) idea as well as plenty of twirling, ballet flats, and casual renditions of West Side Story‘s “I Feel Pretty.” You can even buy $10 handmade tutus for next time.

Tutu Tuesday at 222 Hyde
222 Hyde St. at Turk [The Tenderloin]
Second Tuesday of every month, 9pm
$2 before midnight if you wear a tutu, $7 otherwise

Photo courtesy of Tutu Tuesday

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Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special

Sarah M. Smart was summoned into being on a distant ice cream planet
through an unholy union of Two-Buck Chuck and unicorns. They sent her to Indianapolis and then the University of Missouri's School of Journalism
to spread peace and big hair. Perpetually in mourning for the comma, she
has worked for a variety of print media, including Indianapolis
, Global Journalist, and Vox. Since moving
to San Francisco for the booming dumpster-diving scene, she has been an
online operative for such fine folks as , Neo-Factory, and
Academy of Art University. After a day of cat-feeding, hat-making,
dog-walking, vegan baking, and daydreaming about marrying rich, all she
wants is a margarita as big as her face.