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FREE Bay to Breakers Book Giveaway

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Like reading? Like Bay to Breakers? I’ve got a book for you.

Bay to Breakers is one of my favorite days of the year. People come out dressed in angel outfits, sperm costumes, wizard robes, or wearing nothing but body paint and glitter to spend a Sunday morning parading across town in glorious, boombox fueled public intoxication.

I wrote a novel called Sidewalk Ritual about a guy finding himself in this great city, and the last 4 chapters are all set in the beautiful chaos that is Bay to Breakers. You can read a description and reviews here on Amazon.

To celebrate Bay to Breakers this weekend, I’m holding a contest to give away 3 FREE signed paperback copies. Enter for a FREE autographed print copy here!

And for you ebook freaks, it’s totally FREE to downlaod from May 16 – 18 on Amazon.

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Scott James - Paperback Pundit

Scott James - Paperback Pundit

Author of Sidewalk Ritual, self-publishing teacher, lover of coffee and IPA.