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Are YOU Going to the Emerging Power Party?

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Authentic + Creative work…

That’s what Jennifer Lee of Arizen Coaching will be talking about. And Sera Beak will be talking about living out the divine feminine inside. This event sounds incredible.

It’s at the HUB, which is a community center for personal and business growth. As they say about themselves: “At the HUB you will experience inspiriing space, meaningful content, vibrant community.”

Speakers at this Emerging Women Power Party include:

Jennifer Lee, founder of Artizen Coaching, is the award-winning author of The Right-Brain Business Plan. Her bestselling book has helped thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide grow their businesses authentically and creatively.

Sera Beak is a Harvard-trained scholar of comparative world religions who spent years traveling the world studying spirituality with Sufi dervishes, Tibetan monks, Croatian mystics, shamans, and more. Listen to her speak here!


Emerging Women Power Event
Thursday, June 20
The Bay Area Hub
901 Mission St.
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Scott James - Paperback Pundit

Scott James - Paperback Pundit

Author of Sidewalk Ritual, self-publishing teacher, lover of coffee and IPA.