Beer Olympics Every Friday Night at Horizon
You probably won’t get the chance to blaze your way to Olympic glory like Carl Lewis or Usain Bolt. No, you’re slow, out of shape, and certainly didn’t do well in the genetic lottery. And you drink too much beer. But instead, you can get a chance for Olympic-ish glory every Friday night with the SF Beer Olympics, hosted at Horizon.
Take a nostalgia trip back to your college days of frantically pounding cheap beer to avoid the shame that failure will bring you and your friends. Contested are the red Solo cup standards of beer pong, flip cup, and chugging relays. Players are grouped into teams based on nationality, as the event is popular with foreign travelers and international vagabonds alike. And if you’re not a foreigner then relish your opportunity to drunkenly chant “USA! USA! USA!” without looking like too big of an asshole. For solo travelers, fear not, there is a United Nations team for those lacking countrymen to compete alongside, and there have been instances of hybrid national teams like South Africa/India and Morocco/Canada.
The events themselves are free, and the drink specials are almost as good. Before 9:30, you can get five beers for $10. After 9:30 though, those same five beers are $15. Get there ate 8:30 to sign up. Competition starts at 9:00, although sometimes it may vary.
The same group that organizes the Beer Olympics also puts on a Rock Paper Scissors Tournament/Pub Crawl every Wednesday, starting at Northstar. Each round is contested at a different bar along the way, and the winner receives a $50 bar tab. And for all you Rock Paper Scissors purists out there, don’t worry they follow the rules of and are endorsed by the World RPS Society. Yes, that is a real thing. You can learn all about their rules, mission, and even get some tips to prepare for the tournament at
Both are great ways to meet people from near and far, and have a relatively cheap night on the town. And you might realize how much you miss puking up too-quickly-chugged lite beer.
Every Friday at 9:00 PM
Horizon Lounge
498 Broadway
[North Beach/Telegraph Hill]
Every Wednesday at 9:00 PM
Starts at Northstar Cafe
1560 Powell St.
[North Beach/Telegraph Hill]