Nate Cox- Low-Budget Literati

The New Generation of Board Games Makes it Cool to be a Dork
Board games have undergone a renaissance in the last decade or so. These aren’t the haphazard games of chance you grew up with or that boring time warp you always got sucked into at Grandma’s house. The new generation of board games focuses on light strategy and a social experience.

A Huge List of Bar Trivia Nights in San Francisco (And Oakland and Berkeley Too!)
Image Courtesy of Brainstormer Trivia is exactly what its name tells you: the trivial gunk knowledge that clogs up the important, higher functioning regions of your brain. And unless you’re the one percent of brain gunk retainers, you can’t put any of that to use on a game show. (Unless

Getting Somewhere for Cheap, Eventually
You can get pretty much anywhere in the United States for far less than you expect if you are willing to sacrifice time, convenience, and comfort. And even though this method of getting around can lead to some itineraries that suck on paper, you’ll always have an adventure. So if

Indulge Your Inner Child with a FREE Tour of the TCHO Chocolate Factory
If TV is anything like real life, then you probably got sick the day your family, fifth grade class, or intrepid bunch of crime-fighting, mystery solving youths visited the chocolate factory, missing out on what surely would have been the high point of your sugar-crazed adolescence. You can make up

East Bay Grease: A Late Night BART Backup Plan
If you live in the East Bay, sometimes you can run into a bit of a problem when enjoying a late night in San Francisco. BART, the non-car solution to that big thing of water that’s in your way, stops operating at a certain point in the night. But good(-ish)

Save Time, Money, Your Body with the Cold Shower
This will likely be one of the simplest tips you hear on Broke Ass Stuart’s, and will also be the one you are most reluctant to take. This is because it requires a certain amount of physical discomfort, and despite however much we fancy ourselves as self-denying dreamchasers, most of

Beer Olympics Every Friday Night at Horizon
You probably won’t get the chance to blaze your way to Olympic glory like Carl Lewis or Usain Bolt. No, you’re slow, out of shape, and certainly didn’t do well in the genetic lottery. And you drink too much beer. But instead, you can get a chance for Olympic-ish glory