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Win a FREE Copy – Beneath the Streets: The Hidden Relics of NY Subway System

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

A native New Yorker explores his city’s subway system, a dazzling subterranean maze that includes 600 miles of active tracks, abandoned sections, and disused stations. Only a handful of workers, daring explorers and graffiti writers have experienced the full scope of the New York subway system; now, authors Matthew Litwack and JURNE reveal the hidden world of the city’s subway

tunnels with their book Beneath the Streets: The Hidden Relics of New York’s Subway System. The book explores the history and art of the tunnels, and features interviews with transit workers and graffiti artists, historical artifacts, and hundreds of high-quality photos of graffiti, murals, and the tunnels and trains themselves. And now you can read this book too! All by doing a little entering into the giveaway below.



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