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Win FREE Tickets to see Thievery Corporation @ Fox Theatre OAK

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

In 2002 I was 21-years-old and living under a perpetual state of underground hiphop. With the exception of my mother’s Beatles albums slipping in the mix while I got stoned with my Home Depot co-workers, Living Legends, Hiero, BDP, Aesop Rock and Atmosphere were pretty much on continuous loop. But, when I met a hair stylist – through my then means of hustle and delivery system of a certain green product – she happened to be playing Mirror Conspiracy one rainy day.

Hooked from the moment my ears heard that heavy tabla bass beat, fluid synth waves, forward percussion, whispy vocals and a fuckin’ horn section…and it was all happening at once. Long story short, I ended up gettin’ high on my own supply and left an hour later with a burned copy of the CD. 12-years later, I don’t smoke as often and the album is still on my party roster. Good job, Thievery Corp. Good job.

Enter the giveaway to see them blow your mind on Thursday, October 2, 2014 @ Fox Theatre in Oakland. Tickets are $52.50.

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