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Win Tickets: Mark Kozelek is Sun Kil Moon @ Great American Music Hall!

Updated: Dec 01, 2015 22:49
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Universal Themes is the seventh full length album by often misunderstood brooding crooner Mark Kozelek who still performs under the Sun Kil Moon moniker.The album received some of Kozelek’s best reviews including a 9 out of 10 in Uncut Magazine and an A- at Consequence Of Sound. In 2015 Mark also released a free EP entitled Down In The Willow Garden as well as a spoken word album entitled Dreams Of Childhood with Argentine actor Nicolas Pauls. Kozelek’s music is also featured extensively in the latest Paulo Sorrentino film Youth.

Benji remains a one-off masterpiece because it’s the place where Kozelek’s rambling style cohered around a concept, the perfect meeting of content and form. The narrator of those songs seemed vulnerable, like he was risking something by putting it out there, and the stories of life and death were riveting in part because they seemed so familiar. It was a record of a particular time, place, and circumstance, and it was sonically as well as thematically coherent. It was also a record in large part about others, of Kozelek looking outward and trying to figure out what made people tick and what they cared about and what their lives meant, even if the answers weren’t always clear. Here, there’s nothing at stake. Universal Themes moves in the other direction, away from connection, and it pulls inward. It feels claustrophobic, a world drawing in on itself and getting smaller and smaller.”


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