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Enter to win tickets to The Edwardian Ball @ Regency Ballroom!

Updated: Dec 01, 2015 22:04
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news


The Edwardian Ball SF is described by the SFWeekly as, “Think Vintage Fetish meets circus theatrics meets industrial arts mayhem.” It blends live music, theatre, fashion, cosplay and circus into a whirlwind and enticing extravaganza set in a romanticized and gentile Neo-Victorian and Edwardian-era gothic and steampunk-tinged distant past that imagines an elegant alternate reality future. Other delightful attractions include: the vendor bazaar, photo booth, mystical and nonsensical oddities, absinthe cocktails, steam machinery, parlour games, alluring sideshows, and much more. All ages are welcome.

The Edwardian Ball is a multi-city, multi-media exposition of the eccentric and esoteric the SF Bay Guardian calls a “Gothic, ghoulish and glorious celebration.” The Edwardian Ball has grown over the past fifteen years from an underground club party into an internationally recognized festival of the arts, drawing attendees from all over the world, operating with the blessing of The Edward Gorey Charitable Trust. 944 Magazine calls The Edwardian Ball SF, “An over-the-top, colorful, quirky, eccentric, whimsical-yet-elegant costume party doesn’t even begin to describe the event.”

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