
Black Queer Protesters Call London Breed Anti-Black and Racist

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There was a very ‘San Franciscan’ Mayoral debate on Monday night at the historic Castro Theater.  By that we mean a  queer candidate who was not invited to the debate stormed the stage and demanded to be heard (and she was subsequently given a microphone and allowed speak) and then a  group of black, queer, protestors crashed the party to protest a black mayoral candidate for being both anti-black and racist.

In other words, San Francisco, you still got it.

The mayoral candidate who was not invited to the debates but demanded to be heard was candidate Amy Farah Weiss.  She is progressive, fearless, and has some wonderful ideas for helping the homeless, increasing affordable housing, and supporting local businesses among other things.  Her ideas may be considered too liberal by the mainstream candidates, but they might just be exactly what San Francisco needs right now, after all, if San Francisco wants to remain a leader of progressive ideas and policy, it needs candidates like Weiss who truly represent and push the boundaries of liberal and progressive ideas in this city.   The ‘Candidate Forum’ in the heart of the Castro district advertised that it would “focus on neighborhoods and issues of concern to the LGBTQ community”… And they didn’t invite the only queer candidate on the ballot?  Nevertheless, she persisted…

The other candidates for SF Mayor who were on stage were Jane Kim (Endorsed by Broke-Ass Stuart), Angela Alioto, Richie Greenberg, and the now infamous London Breed.  The local television stations called the debate ‘lively’ and ‘spirited’, The issues of homelessness and affordable housing dominated the conversation throughout, and apparently Supervisor Jane Kim wiped the floor with Republican Candidate Greenberg after he interupted her on stage.

According to KQED Greenburg interrupted Kim while she was talking about homelessness, to note that the free City College of San Francisco program Kim helped create isn’t free for home sellers paying a higher transfer tax, which funds the initiative.

“I know Richie, it was a tax on the ultra-luxury property owners in the city,” Kim said to applause.  If you’d like more Forum coverage checkout KQED article here.


But now we must turn to the protest that happened during the forum because it was clearly fantastic.  The protesters of the Candidate London Breed who are calling themselves The Lucy Parsons Project, sent us an email this morning clarifying their account of the protest.  The Lucy Parsons Project claims that they were kicked out of the debate for being ‘too black’, and that London Breed is guilty of not only being a puppet of Venture Capitalist Ron Conway, but of also being “for the eradication of black San Francisco.”

Here is the message from The Lucy Parsons Project:

“Who: The Lucy Parsons Project is a group of black queer folks opposed to London Breed’s anti-black racism.

When: We disrupted the Mayoral “debate” at the Castro Theater on Monday, March 19, 2018 (before we were kicked out for being too black).


Because London Breed Doesn’t Care About Black People

she killed Iris Canada.

she is trying to displace everyone at mid-town park apartments.

she is a puppet of airbnb invester ron conway who is pro displacement.

she is pro-tech gentrification.

she’s willie brown 2.0, can she get lower 3%.

she’s pro-taser.

she’s pro-broken windows policing.

she is pro-prison industrial complex.

she is for the eradication of black san francisco.

the only reason she claims to speak for black women in SF is cause she’s displacing them all.

We are not here for any mayoral candidate.



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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

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