New ShitNewsPress

Furries Robbed of Fursuits Before Burning Man! Suspected Weasels Still at Large

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

A Uhaul truck full of fursuits and Burning Man supplies was stolen this Sunday and has the furry community asking, “what kind of an animal would do such a thing?”  On August 24th Zarafa Giraffe was packing a Uhaul with fellow furries and getting ready to drive to Camp Fur in Black Rock City when thieves drove off with their Uhaul.

As you may expect the Oakland PD was slow to respond, (did not show up for 6 hours) and before they could put out an APB for an unidentified weasel driving a stolen camel U-Haul with three large fursuits in it, a furry friend came to the rescue. @MukianShadowpaw‘ (Twitter bio: ‘just a lil silly Fusky Kup, Master of Puddles!’) Caught the scent of the camel U-haul, and tracked it down to a parking lot in Oakland.

As reported by @NachoHusky (Twitter Bio: a little Canadian Husky living in Oakland, rather rambunctious and cute! Loves fursuiting, all things Space!), The thieves didn’t pick the lock, the U-haul latches are clearlyy brittle enough to be snapped, and the thieves just smashed the latch and took everything, fursuits and all.

I you see someone wearing this costume or selling it at a flea market, feel free to contact your local police department as they are selling stolen fury supplies, or at the very least buy the costume back at a heavy discount and get it back to  

The good news @Zarafagiraffe (twitter bio : Purple, of course. A nerdy, geeky, scientific-y, bouncy, goofy, map-loving, trivia-spouting, not-shy giraffe! Hugs ‘n puns may occur at any time) and his fury friends are officially on their way to the playa despite this awful setback!  We at LOVE the fury community and hope they have a fantastic burn at Camp Fur this year.  We’ll reach out with any information we may recieve concerning recovered fursuits and supplies.

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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