
Proposition C “Our City, Our Home” Wins Big and Brings SF Home

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Via – Coalition on Homelessness SF

San Francisco — The passage of this measure is a resounding voter mandate for desired change around homelessness, giving the city the resources it needs to finally address the crisis. For thousands of destitute San Franciscans, this has infused hope that they will soon have the opportunity to thrive that only a home can bring.

Prop C only taxes large corporations that gross over $50 million, which were also just given a huge 40% tax cut by the Trump administration, decreasing corporate taxes from 35% to 21%. Prop C also has a detailed plan for both its spending and results and mandates community oversight of the funding. Currently the city spends only 3% of its budget addressing homelessness. This measure will double the city’s current efforts.

The ‘Our City Our H0me Yes on C campaign’ was able to overcome a seemingly insurmountable challenge with the combination of a strong grassroots campaign and large financial contributions from Salesforce and Co-CEO Marc Benioff.  According to Ben Lintschinger from GLIDE, “Once this measure hits the streets, San Franciscans will see a steady and visible difference year after year as hundreds of people are helped off the streets as the City builds new housing, opens new shelters, and expands much needed mental health services. We look forward to working with our elected officials and the community on implementing the vision we have voted in.”

According to Joe Wilson, Executive Director of Hospitality House (and formerly homeless), “This measure was birthed out of decades of movement building and the incredible breadth of support from tens of thousands of San Franciscans to put this issue to voters. From residents and community groups, to civil rights organizations and businesses, and most importantly, homeless people themselves.  Thousands of homeless residents have been pushing for change, for the chance to rejoin community, for the support we all need but may not get, for the chance to find a home, have a home, and keep the homes we already have. For the basic human right to housing, dignity, and safety – for the streets to be a place where we walk, not where we are forced to live as outcasts.”

Joe Wilson, Executive Director of Hospitality House telling his story on PBS:

According to Nicholas Kimura, of Eviction Defense Collaborative, “Prop C’s broad and diverse coalition tapped into the City’s desire to finally end this crisis. With this incredible momentum supporting us, we now face the work of making sure our vision is implemented in a way that is centered on the experience and needs homeless people, and is data driven to ensure best results.  We will now enter a new stage of outreaching to potential applicants of the oversight body, collecting data from homeless people directly on how best to use these funds and getting everything in place to make sure that when the funds are released they make the biggest difference possible. This will allow homeless residents to finally benefit from the transformation and opportunity that only a home can bring. “

The future looks a little brighter…

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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