Boozing, Blogging and Cheap Beautification
My usual morning routine is: wake up between 8:30 and 9:30, flick between the History, Discovery, Comedy and Travel Channels for an hour or so and then get on the computer. I’m always amazed that by that time, all the blogs I check have already been updated that day, and some more than once. That’s some proactive shit! Sorry if you’ve been expecting to get that from me. Just so you know, I don’t usually update until noon or after and if there is a marathon of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, well then who knows what time this thing will get updated. I frigging love that show!
So if you’ve been following the site, you know that I was asked to judge some contests at the Bar Worker’s Ball last night at EL Rio in San Francisco. What I didn’t know was that I was being hornswoggled into MC-ing the event. Despite being unprepared, I didn’t really mind. They kept my hands full of drinks and I managed to only kinda do a piss poor job. It was a lot of fun though! So much so that I didn’t manage to take any photos accept for this one:
This sits above the DJ booth. Those El Rio folks are pretty clever.
Despite feeling a little worn out from last night, I still wanted to tell you all about a great deal I just found out about. My Friend Ash works at The San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cosmetology and she hipped me to it. Basically, it’s a high end beauty school partnered with Paul Mitchell but because they are training stylists, they of course need people to style. This means that you can get the equivalent of an expensive ass salon haircut for as little as $15! And don’t worry about them butchering your dome, while all the services are performed by students, they are supervised by an instructor the whole time. Now you have no excuse to look frumpy, unless of course that’s your thing (when oh when will those fucking giant hipster granny glasses go away?).