Arts and CultureEatsSan Francisco

Mexican Bicentennial and Centennial Celebration Tonight at City Hall

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Up here in the northernmost and wettest reaches of Alta California, la Independencia isn’t even a blip on the radar most years.  Which is why, on this, the Bicentennial of Mexico’s  Independence and Centennial of the Revolution, I had hoped to be in DF drinking cubas, eating chiles en nogada and getting swept up in the riptide of what is probably the nation’s favourite holiday.  Although, this year hues of tension, fear, and apathy are surfacing in addition to the usual tricolor scheme.

But no, I’ll be here awash in fog instead, having put off buying my ticket to ensure housing and continued broke-itude in reflection of the glorious Golden Gate.

However, for all us francisqueños, californios and Mexicanos, the Consulado de Mexico en San Francisco will be holding the grito at City Hall tonight starting around 6pm and ending around 9pm, when the annual call to arms will echo around the bay, the original edge of the empire.

They will also be holding a more formal and solemn ceremony in Dolores Park on Thursday at 11 am in the shadow of the statue of Father Hidalgo, himself.

Also honouring the 200 years will be the de Young, who, on Friday, will he hosting an evening of Mexico’s cultural and artistic achievements with live performances, music and a “special menu” in the cafe (Although I’m sure the de Young will offer something wonderful, “special menu” sounds eerily reminscent of public school memories featuring oozy, orange “Chalupa Fridays”.)

The museum’s permanent collections will also be open to everyone for free and the museum will also be showcasing previews of the Olmec Exhibit that will be arriving in February.

¡Viva Mèxico!

Fiestas Patrias de Mexico en San Francisco

“El Grito”
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
6:30p.m.- 9:00p.m.
San Francisco City Hall
1 Carlton B. Goodlett Place (Polk Street)
[Civic Center]

200th Anniversary Civic Commemoration Ceremony
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Statue of Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Dolores Park
[Inner Mission]

Mexico at the DeYoung Museum
Friday, September 17, 2010
5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
DeYoung Museum of Fine Art
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
[Golden Gate Park]

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Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder

Stephen's early years were spent in a boxcar overlooking downtown Los Angeles. From there he moved around the state with his family before settling under the warm blanket of smog that covers suburban Southern California. Moving around led to his inability to stay in one place for very long, but San Francisco has been reeling him back in with its siren song since 1999.
By trade he pours booze, but likes to think he can write and does so occasionally for the SF Bay Guardian, Bold Italic and 7x7. He also likes to enjoy time spent in old eateries, bars and businesses that, by most standards, would have been condemned a long time ago.