san francisco latest

31 Aug 2009

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry Documentary Screening in SF

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry is a feature length documentary exploring the roots of American tattooing through the life of its most iconoclastic figure, Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins. Considered by many the foremost tattoo artist of all time, Collins is the father of modern day tattooing, whose uncompromising lifestyle and larger

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
31 Aug 2009

Fill It Up – $1 Tacos and $2 Chelas at Taqueria Pancho Villa and El Toro

Generally speaking, this small family of taquerias isn’t the cheapest in the city, but the quality is better than most (super-bland Can-Cun anyone?) Despite their central locations, they aren’t resting on their cash cow’s security, and if you’ve caught their charmingly goofy commercials you’ll know that they have recently added

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
30 Aug 2009

How to Make a Garden in Berkeley for FREE: Part II

We may be heading towards September, but there is still time to plant a fall crop (consult a Planting Schedule), and if you follow these steps, you can do it for absolutely FREE! I already covered the first steps in last week’s post: Step 1.  Preparing the land: The FREE

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
30 Aug 2009

5 Best Broke-Ass Bookstores

Find the City’s best selection of cheap classics—you know, all the books written before even your great-grandmother was gobbling on Moby Dick—and newer books too. For cheap.

29 Aug 2009

Grab Your Sack and Let's Swap: Clothing

My friend recently told me about a time that she was working at a bar in Portland in the early 90’s. Courtney Love was on tour and came in after her show only to be seen using toilet water to shoot up and blowing chunks all over herself. Later that

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0
29 Aug 2009

The Arctic vs. The Bay: The 2009 Eat Real Festival

I just got back from Alaska, which to me, a liberal, vegan, and judgmental Californian, appeared to be a backwards, behind-the-times, redneck state with stunningly gorgeous views and impressive wilderness. Against this lush, green backdrop, the food situation was unforgivable.  Health food stores were few and far-between and restaurants were

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
28 Aug 2009

Hostelling International’s FREE 100th Anniversary Party in SF

I’m not a fan of camping or dorms.  I’m pretty sure camping is why houses were invented.  And the only purpose of dorms is to make you so miserable freshman year that you’re forced to go out and make friends.  Hostels are a combination of dorms and camping, but somehow

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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