Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Whole Foods Now Checking Temperatures of Employees
Whole Foods Market has instituted a policy that sees all employees having their temperatures taken before they start their shifts. If employees have a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees, they are asked to go home. Grocery store employees are also asked to wear masks throughout there shifts. A grocer who

How to behave in Grocery Stores According to Grocery Workers
The rules and sanitation standards are constantly being updated in your neighborhood grocery stores during the COVID pandemic. Knowing your store’s rules and safety practices will help you stay safe, and help keep our grocery store workers safer, while they keep the country supplied. For the official COVID safety practices

Why You Can’t Be Evicted During COVID & What To Do If You Can’t Pay Rent
San Francisco, along with most cities in the US, have enacted an ‘eviction moratorium’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that residential and commercial tenants cannot be evicted during the coronavirus outbreak, including for non-payment of rent. The eviction moratorium is currently effective through June 21, 2020 in San

California COVID Peak Expected April 15, New Cases Still Rising
The San Francisco Bay Area has seen a slight but steady, increase in the number of COVID-19 patients over the last week. According the numbers reported by John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, on April 2nd there were 2,495 total confirmed COVID-19 cases across all 6 Bay Area counties, 7 days

Around the World, Wild Animals Appearing on City Streets
Now that people across the world are sheltering in place, different local animals are becoming a bit more bold with their visits to urban areas. Herds of Elephants in India, Pumas roaming Santiago Chile, herds of Ibex in Israel, swarms of rats in New Orleans, and coyotes in San Francisco.

All about San Francisco’s Coyotes, Many are born in the Presidio
With people across the world staying indoors, local animals are reportedly coming out of the woodwork more often, and sightings have increased. In San Francisco for example, you’ve seen increased reports of coyote activity around the city. And the same general thing is happening in other places around the world.