Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler
$3 Stargazing at the Robert Ferguson Observatory in Sonoma
Summer can mean a lot of different things to a lot of people: there’s the requisite picnicking, summer music festivals, trips to secluded swimming holes, etc etc. But if there’s one outdoorsy excursion we tend to overlook in our pursuit of places to drink beer outside, it’s finding a nice,
Street Art Goes Legit During FREE Friday Night Soirée at the DeYoung
Imagine for a moment a world where Street Art is prominently displayed on the walls of a well-respected art museum. Imagine a world where trash is turned into something other than a big pile around the trash can because the trash can is full. A world where every cold, irony-shriveled
Why the New Clipper Card is Good News for The Brokes
If you haven’t ridden any Bay Area public transit in a while (I know! It’s expensive these days, right?) you might have missed out on the billions of ads for the new one-card-to-rule-them-all transit pass system called Clipper. Apparently Clipper isn’t much more than a fancy focus-grouped version of Translink,
Time Travel to the Year 2000: FREE Lifehouse Concert in Golden Gate Park
Remember how great everything was in the year 2000? Back when we were all 10 years younger than we are now and we thought “Hanging By A Moment” was just a really great song, and that Lifehouse was definitely going to be the next Oasis? Remember back before all the
FREE Rosetta Stone Online Language Lessons with Your SF Library Card
So you’ve got that big trip to South America coming up but you haven’t really spoken anything but Drunken Taqueria Spanish since freshman year of college. Which means you know enough Spanish to navigate your way around say, San Diego, but it probably won’t do you much good in somewhere
FREE Admission to the NorCal Pirate Festival This Weekend
Pirates are kind of a mid-00’s joke, but when there’s FREE admission and the option to drink mead and eat giant turkey legs or dodo bird meat or whatever it is that Pirates ate (eat?) there’s really no excuse to not get excited about the opportunity to mingle with drunk
FREE Sunday Concerts all Summer at Sigmund Stern Grove
If you’re tired of spending your Sundays in Dolores Park, acting like you’re actually enjoying whatever crap is spewing out of your neighbor’s boombox/ukulele/accordian while you try to make it through your hangover and someone’s hula hoop is smacking you in the face, then you will probably be interested in