Guest Writer
Winter Hiking in the East Bay
GUEST WRITER: AMANDA MCDOWELL Of course, it’s impossible to not yearn for the sunny patios and sandy beaches of summer, but one of the beautiful things about Northern California’s winter months is how well they lend themselves to hiking. A trek might start off a bit chilly, but considering other
The Conversation We Should Be Having About the Aziz Ansari Incident
GUEST POST BY JILLIAN YORK In the past week, we’ve seen a new round of Feminists vs. Feminists. In one corner, we have young feminists, righteously angry at comedian Aziz Ansari and supportive of his pseudonymous accuser “Grace” and Babe, the publication that told her story. In the other corner,
LA Women’s March: SoCal Sisterhood Shows Up Big Ways to Support Political Change
Guest post by Breanna Reeves Approximately one year into Donald Trump’s presidency, the 2nd annual Women’s March emphasized the importance of voting by encouraging attendees to take their power to the polls. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti estimated that 500,000 attendees showed up in support of women’s rights, intersectionality and
A Transplant’s Take on Oakland Cuisine
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM Guest writer: Amanda McDowell Growing up in the South, life revolves around eating. Between backyard barbecues and rainy days watching the Food Network, there has been no shortage of southern cuisine in my life. Because
Hip Hop is Everywhere in Oakland
By Amanda Davis I’ve been an avid concert-goer since about 8 years old (thanks mom!) and I’ve seen tons of artists all over California. But since moving to the Bay Area, I’ve noticed something incredibly special about Oakland’s music scene compared to other parts of the Bay. It really is
The #Givemuffins Movement is Back in San Francisco
By Jacob “Muffin Man” Kaufman Hey there loyal Broke-Ass-a-Teers! It’s your old friend the Muffin Man! I know you’re broke, but you’re also beautiful, and you love helping those in need. With that in mind, National Muffin Day is coming up on Sunday, January 28th! On National Muffin Day, I invite everybody to bake muffins and give them
The Homeless Shooing, Crime Fighting, Robots in San Francisco
By Benjamin Steele The new brutalist future is here, and it’s coming in the form of ‘robot sentries’. I would have expected to start an article about cruelty to homeless people by talking about a big law firm, tech company, or some sort of mustachioed villain petting a robotic cat. But