
How To Watch The Hunky Jesus Contest Online And Other Rad Livestreams
The Hunky Jesus Contest is happening online for Easter Sunday, and a whole bunch of your other favorite weekly events and parties are providing online streaming alternatives too. There are gobs of Bay Area artists creating awesome streaming content and putting on shows this weekend, we’ve listed a shit-ton of

Bay Area Artists Who Are Creating Awesome Streaming Content and Classes
Due to the current crisis that I need not name, our local performance artists, venues and teachers are really suffering financially and existentially right now since every venue and studio is closed. The good news is that Bay Area artists are both resourceful and creative, and many of them are

All about San Francisco’s Coyotes, Many are born in the Presidio
With people across the world staying indoors, local animals are reportedly coming out of the woodwork more often, and sightings have increased. In San Francisco for example, you’ve seen increased reports of coyote activity around the city. And the same general thing is happening in other places around the world.

All That Glitters: Bay Bridge with China Clipper, 1939
All That Glitters is an homage to the dreamers and schemers that make the Bay Area unique. San Francisco artist Kaytea Petro uses a homemade hibiscus ink to illustrate historic photos, lovingly depicting a bygone era. More of her work can be seen at or on her Instagram. All

An Interview with BlakSyn, the Human Behind @KinkyBlackEducator
By KC Van Der Zee Today, and especially in the Bay Area, we are surrounded by technology and seemingly endless streams of algorithms and information. It is not uncommon for a phone to be in hand of everyday bystanders in the city while walking in public, riding on BART, or

It Took the World Getting Sick for America to Realize What a Lot of Us Already Knew
Guest Post by KATE HARVESTON Countries like New Zealand (1939), the United Kingdom (1948), Sweden (1955) and Norway (1956) began putting together national health systems many decades ago. Yet, the U.S. has remained steadfastly determined to stick to its for-profit health care model. But at what cost? COVID-19, the new coronavirus,

A Live Streamed Show From The Houses of 13 Different Performers
While there are lots of fun live streamed events going on since we’re all basically under house arrest, I thought this one sounded particularly interesting. It’s happening this Friday 4/3. Here’s all the info from the Facebook invite: We know you’re stuck at home and bored out of your mind