
03 May 2009

Academy of Sciences FREE to Mission and Bernal Folks

Assuming your case of Sunday morning palsy isn’t too bad, you’re probably looking for something to do today that doesn’t involve being rained on or watching whatever awful movie is on Comedy Central.  If you live in the Mission or Bernal Heights, I have just the thing for you: go

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 May 2009

Fags! Bums! Independent Film! — SFSU Human Rights International Film Fest

I can’t keep up with the International Film Fest this year. There are so many great films that deserve my money, but I probably only have enough money to spare on one. I was pretty sad until I actually found out that my friend is throwing his own Human Rights

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
01 May 2009

Open Bar, Live Music, and Hip-Hop Photography…um, Yes Please.

For those that made it to the recent Fuck the Recession Party or the release party for my SF book, you’ll remember the inimitable Richie Cunning.  He blows me away every time I see him play, so I’ve kinda taken up stalking him.  It’s nothing too crazy, I’m not like driving by his

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Apr 2009

Free, Stylish T-Shirts for everyone — Gama-Go Store Opening Party

Gama-Go, one of the awesome local brands that we should be proud of in SF, is finally opening their own flagship storefront. You have probably seen their fashions at Giant Robot, Kinokuniya and other boutiques around the city. They’re usually infested with cartoon Yeti’s, smoking birds and owls ‘” and

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
29 Apr 2009

Shake what ya mama gave ya, gracefully — FREE Dance classes at ODC!

My mother used to always call me “Grace” and for the longest time, I tried to get rid of the nickname. My clumsy, goofy nature used to amuse my mother to no end, and she often told my teachers that I was born with the “concentration of a fly and

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
28 Apr 2009

Three Stooges Mini Marathon Tonight!

As always, my main man Johnny Funcheap has the scoop on a killer event.  The Castro Theatre recently started doing “Five Buck Tuesdays” which is where (you guessed it) you get to see classic films for $5.  All day long, a seat in San Francisco’s most beautiful and historic movie

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Apr 2009

The Grouch & Eligh For FREE At Amoeba

Maybe it’s because I’m no longer in college, but it seems to me that nobody cares about underground hip-hop anymore.  I remember having long, late night conversations over Budweiser and ganja, arguing the meanings of Aesop Rock lyrics and trying to decide if Slug’s “Lucy” was an actual person.  Those were the days

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0