
25 Apr 2012

How to Be a Dancing Queen on a Budget

The answer to this question is easy:  smear on massive amounts of lipstick, back-comb your wig into voluminous perfection, climb up onto a table, and shake your thing because hips don’t lie, honey!  Oh, wait.  So you just want to learn how to dance like a pro, but don’t have

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
24 Apr 2012

Internships: The Uphill Battle To Get Paid

It’s no secret that sometimes, in order to beef up your resume for that dream job (especially in the creative fields), an internship can be a helpful stepping stone. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a paying internship, but if you’re like the rest of us, the most you can hope

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
23 Apr 2012

Broke-Ass Mom Birthday Wish

My birthday is coming up (no, it’s not my 1/2 birthday as this photo would indicate) and people keep asking me what I want.  Apparently, I’m difficult to shop for – the problem is that all I want every year is for people whom I care about (and it’s a

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
18 Apr 2012

How to Celebrate a “Friend-a-Versary” (You Know, Like an Anniversary, Except with People You Don’t Smooch)

I’m a big ol’ fan of celebrations: parties, holidays, the “happy dance” that I perform in my room after I do my laundry and realize that I don’t have to wear ratty underpants anymore.  It doesn’t take much for me to throw my arms up in the air, and praise

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
16 Apr 2012

Healthcare Tips for the Broke-Ass Masses

Being a New Yorker is a little tough, all the time. Whether it’s the train that just left or coming up with the perfect save to that horrible interview question…. on the elevator going down, there’s always some bitty truth to the adage about making it here. But we do

Nadine Friedman - Vice President of Snark 0
13 Apr 2012

Changing Careers as a Broke-Ass Mom

‘Can a Broke-Ass Mom change careers and be a SAHM?  That’s what I’m trying to find out.  As I stated in my intro to the Broke-Ass world, I traded in my high heels for some Keen sneakers, my stockings for yoga pants, and my purse for a backpack all to

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
06 Apr 2012

Broke-Ass Mom Takes a Time-Out

Today I had to give myself a time out.  With only one nap this week, my husband working late every night, and constant “Why?” questions from my son, any Broke-Ass Mom would need a time out.  We don’t have the luxury of jetting off to a facial, or a massage,

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0