
21 Sep 2011

How to Deal with Mooches Without Going (Completely) Insane

Deep in the heart of New York City’s Chinatown lies my greatest enemy.  In one room of a six-bedroom apartment, he slumbers atop the mountain of dirty clothes that cover his sheet-less mattress on the floor.  He eats his roommates’ food, never refills the Brita water pitcher, and would rather

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
20 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Diets: How Low will You Go?

Desperate times call for drastic measures. I was at a BBQ party the other day, and I started talking to some girl about how she used to kidney beans and ketchup for dinner and then eat white rice and mix it with different flavored jam for desert. Then we sort

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
19 Sep 2011

The Unemployment Chronicles: Vol. IV

Hey, broke asses, I have some bad news. This is the last time I’ll write The Unemployment Chronicles—FOR NOW. A writer and editor by trade, I also enjoy waiting tables, and that’s what I landed a job doing this week. Is it furthering my career? Not really, but it is

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
16 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom, Footloose and Car-free

Getting rid of your car is one of the most liberating things a Broke-Ass Mom can do. It may not be possible in all cities, towns, countries, etc, but if you can free your mind a little, you’ll be sure to free up your wallet. According to an annual study

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
12 Sep 2011

Dear Mr. Bill Collector, Screw You…

This is probably the worst aspect of being a broke-ass, being behind on bills. It’s not a huge leap in logic to assume that since you are broke, you are also neck deep in debt. Since you are broke, you probably don’t have much money to put towards the bills

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony 0
10 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Guide to Volunteering

Volunteering to better our cities and communities is something that many Broke-Asses want to do. Not only do we have the time due to unemployment or having time during the day because we work a service job, but we understand the divide between the haves and the have-nots. When you

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
09 Sep 2011

Top Ten Broke-Ass Mom Toys

If you’re starting to empty your pants’ pockets, digging change out of the laundromat fund, and breaking open your piggy bank to buy your baby the latest and greatest toy in the hopes of keeping up with the Joneses cut the cord and stop.  Maybe you’ve noticed small yelps coming

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0