Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur

In Defense of Instagram
[Quick background for those handful of you not using a smartphone: instagram is a mobile application that creates photography filters that makes your pictures look old-timey, overexposed, grainy, etc. and makes them easy to share with other users. It’s simple. Simple but brilliant.] People I know have strong feelings

Saved By the Bell: 40 Hours of Your Life You’ll Never Get Back
Hey, did anyone really care about the guy that ran The Max? If you are 35 and under, Saved By the Bell has played some part in your life. For better or worse. I mean, think about it. Did you ever think the show was good? No, it’s ridiculous.

Get FURIOUS on Friday Nights
In case you hadn’t noticed, the improv scene is blowing up in San Francisco. That’s partly in thanks to Endgames Improv, who have modeled their shows after the brilliant Upright Citizens Brigade Theater of Los Angeles and New York. Endgames has a new show starting next week and for the

Bullsh*t-Free Job Search Advice
I seem to have careers on the brain lately. I’ve applied for a lot of jobs and I’ve also hired a lot of people in my life, so I know all the bullshit that happens. The job search is a game, but unfortunately, we all need to play. The thing

Why NOT Write a Screenplay?
Even if you are not an aspiring screenwriter, you probably have an idea for a script in you. You have overheard a weird conversation between two people, you have imagined how you would act in a scenario, you know how you wish your last breakup should have gone down,

Shan Dong: Oakland’s Best Dumplings
Sure, San Francisco’s Chinatown is world-renowned, but why not hop the Bay to Oakland’s Chinatown? It’s less hectic, possibly more authentic, and almost no tourists. I especially recommend Shan Dong, which I will go on record as saying that they have the best dumplings in the East Bay. Not to

The Myth of the Dream Job
Some of you are broke because you are waiting for your dream job to come along. Or, you may be broke BECAUSE you are in your dream job, and the money doesn’t matter. Congratulations, you’ve achieved something that so many of us pine for daily. I know this is