12 Aug 2013

The Standing Desk: A DIY Trip to the Chiropractor

My laptop’s screen burned out and it was the best thing that happened to me in a while. I had hooked it up to an old monitor I had lying around but my laptop screen, now useless, was also blocking my view of the screen, and I couldn’t close it

Nate Cox- Low-Budget Literati 0
02 Aug 2013

FREE Materials and Classroom Supplies for Bay Area Teachers

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, we can all agree that the people who are educating future generations of Americans don’t get paid enough money. On top of that, many of the schools they work for don’t have the money to furnish educators with all the supplies

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 Jul 2013

Broke Ass Decorating: Kitchen Organization

After stuffing far too many whisks and strainers and spoons in recycled takeout containers, I realized that a new organization method in my 2×2 kitchen might be appropriate.  A lack of counter spaces and complete absence of any form of drawer left few options with how to deal with my

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva 0
18 Jul 2013

DIY: How to Make Your Own Fly Trap

Like so many of us in our cramped, window-free NYC apartments, I’ve been plagued with the summer invasion of fruit flies who absolutely refuse to leave but seem to really enjoy multiplying. Awesome. While the little guys are generally harmless, they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing while hovering over a fruit bowl

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Jun 2013

[ freespace ] – A Badass Temporary Community Center in a 14,000 sq ft Warehouse

The other week my buddy Morgan Fitzgibbons invited me to drop by [ freespace ] to check it out. I really had no idea what it was gonna be, so I was incredibly surprised and pleased to find a space, where I used to party my face off, being used

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 May 2013

Garage Sales: Too Broke to Buy Stuff? Sell Your Old Stuff.

Okay, so you look around your room and you have too much goddamned stuff. It’s a problem because you want to go out and buy more stuff, but to make room for that stuff, you’ll have to get rid of the stuff you already have that’s overflowing from your closet

Lindsay Kramer - Bridge and Tunnel Budget Stretcher 0
04 Apr 2013

Broke-Ass Brews: Put Your Iced Coffee in Beer Bottles

If you’re like me, the snooze button on your alarm clock is not optional, it’s necessary.  Only a minor detail of my unhealthy sleep patterns includes my 49 minute snooze cycle each morning, which inevitably leaves me with unbrushed hair and half-brushed teeth as I stumble out the door just

Melissa Kravitz - Discount Diva 0