
08 Aug 2019

Which Famous A**Holes Are Going To Burning Man 2019?

Which rich and famous stars will sparklepony up to Burning Man 2019?  We have a pretty good idea already, based on their public comments, social media posts, and history of going to Burning Man every year because they can afford to. We’ve compiled this fairly determinative list of which famous

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
07 Aug 2019

Foods to Stuff Your Face with at Outside Lands 2019

San Francisco’s biggest music festival is coming this weekend and while Paul Simon may be the musical headliner, the food is always a huge draw. This is one of the few times a year you can find some of the best dishes in SF all in one spot, so I’ve

06 Aug 2019

It’s the Guns, Stupid. Not Violent Video Games or Mental Health

There have been more mass shootings in the USA, than days in 2019.  The most recent mass shootings in El Paso and Daton have politicians, again, struggling to find words to explain these tragedies.  They have even fewer words to explain what they are doing to stop it.  As of

06 Aug 2019

It’s the Guns, Stupid. Not ‘Violent’ Video Games, Not ‘Mental Health’.

There have been more mass shootings in the USA, than days in 2019.  The most recent mass shootings in El Paso and Daton have politicians, again, struggling to find words to explain these tragedies.  They have even fewer words to explain what they are doing to stop it. Over the

05 Aug 2019

10 Lottery Stories That Prove Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

Playing the lottery — whether a scratch-off ticket or multinumber drawing  — is exciting. You never know if you might win big. If you do, what would you do with the money? Perhaps buy a new car, pay off your mortgage or go back to school? When you win, it’s

04 Aug 2019

Need A Pet Sitter? Check Out Guardian Angel!

Wendy is a member of the Broke-Ass Stuart Patreon, which means she kicks in money every month to help keep BAS afloat (you can read why that’s so important right here). One of the perks of the tier she’s on is that she can ask me to write about something

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 Aug 2019

Environmental Activist Refuses To Take Cold Shoulder From Athleta

You know when you were a kid and you’d stand there with the refrigerator open, gawking slack-jawed to see if any tasty snacks had appeared since five minutes ago when you did the same thing? Then your mom would yell at you for the tenth time already to close the

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