
LA Women’s March: SoCal Sisterhood Shows Up Big Ways to Support Political Change
Guest post by Breanna Reeves Approximately one year into Donald Trump’s presidency, the 2nd annual Women’s March emphasized the importance of voting by encouraging attendees to take their power to the polls. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti estimated that 500,000 attendees showed up in support of women’s rights, intersectionality and

Oakland Women’s March: “Pussy” power heads for the ballot box
If it can be said that strength is gained through adversity, than the past year under Trump has been like super food for women. And that may be his most remarkable, yet unintentional, accomplishment yet. Anger is a powerful motivator and it was that anger coupled with a growing sense

Mission: Comics and Art Might be Closing & it Needs Your Help!
Mission: Comics and Art has a special little place in my heart. When I ran for mayor in 2015, Leef Smith, the shop’s owner, not only volunteered for my campaign but also let us use his comic book shop as our unofficial headquarters. How cool is it that? So it saddened

The Women’s Marches Happening Around the Bay
There are Women’s Marches happening all over the country (and the world) January 20th 2018! Below is a list of the marches happening in the general Bay Area: San Francisco, Oakland, Walnut Creek, Sonoma, Napa Valley, Pacifica, Santa Cruz & San Jose. These marches promise to further unify, organize, and empower

SFCentric History: 9 Lesser-Known Vintage Songs About San Francisco
San Francisco is an old, iron safe filled with gold, glory, disaster, and secrets. SFCentric History is a column, by SF writer V. Alexandra de F. Szoenyi, that digs in the vaults of local history and shares the sensational people, places, and things that rocked San Francisco. Sure, we all know “I

Dan Savage: Awesome or Assh*le?
Dr. Drew reboot and Santorum joke pioneer Dan Savage arouses all manner of opinions on the love-hate continuum. As Savage brings his amateur porn roadshow back to San Francisco and Berkeley for the next three weeks, we asked a cross-section of sex-positive Bay Area authors, podcasters, and relationship coaches whether

Oakland Digs Deep for Root Meaning of MLK Day
There were no barbecues or people lounging the day away. Instead, it was an afternoon of peaceful resistance and camaraderie in Oakland’s Frank H. Ogawa Plaza (locally dubbed Oscar Grant Plaza) with people of all shapes, sizes and shades coming together to reclaim the holiday in a way that truly