Travel Writings

Dreamforce Traffic Maps & Infographics
It’s Dreamfoce 2019! An entire week of corporate events, corporate networking parties, and high priced celebrity speeches clustered in the heart of San Francisco! Which is great if you flew here from Phoenix to hear Marc Benioff’s speak about ‘sales synergy’, but very unfortunate if you live here and just

Wildlife, Dining, & Romance at Sea Ranch, CA
It was our 2nd anniversary, Taco Bell was resting in our pickled stomachs, our President didn’t know the difference between a hyphen or an apostrophe with the waters of impeachment rising, and we were in love. My girlfriend and I were too busy to go far, so we decided to

Cap d’Agde- The World’s Completely Naked City
by Kate Brunotts Nudists, rejoice! Cap d’Agde, oftentimes coined “the naked city”, is more than welcoming of tourists – In fact, they rely on it. The naturist community builds a great deal of their infrastructure from tourism, and it is such a part of everyday life that many of the

SF Neighborhoods & Their Zodiac Signs
San Francisco is 7 square miles of unique neighborhoods and beautiful natural environments, each with their own histories, personalities and characteristics. I started my writing career in SF by creating a written guide to the city, and I’ve been exploring its streets and history nonstop ever since. We consulted with

The 12 SF Streets Named for Legendary Writers
Via – Burrito Justice Bikes to Books Spring 2019 Ride! Bikes to Books Spring 2019 Ride Saturday, April 27, 12:45-4:00 p.m., north side of Jack London in South Park Celebrate spring with the Bikes to Books ride! Combining San Francisco history, art, literature, cycling, and urban exploration, Bikes to Books began as an homage to the

To Learn to Love Marin, I Had To Leave
Growing up in Marin County, I developed a gradual, itching awareness that I wanted to be elsewhere, namely San Francisco. As a child, I remembered fondly the trips to the city with my parents, to see Kronos Quartet perform at Stern Grove or to watch one of the films at

Why Reno is a Great Escape
Oh Reno, how I love you. I want to pet your seedy underbelly. Let your vintage neon signs light up my face. Eat your $10 prime rib at midnight. Wonder about the sordid history of the carpet in your casinos. Watch your river flow by and let my mind wander.